Acupuncture Treatment or acupuncture is an ancient healing modality that goes as far back as 5000 years. It is once again leading the trend for healing the body and mind as well as maintaining good health, naturally.
Regrettably too many westerners are still resorting to drastic, invasive and unnecessary ways to mask/subdue health problems rather than targeting the root conditions.
Acupuncture is proven to help with pain management, overall physical wellness as well as psychological health. It has minimal to no side effects, Is non-invasive. Treatments range from using needles, laser machines, acupressure massage (see also foot massage, scalp massage and face massage all of which incorporate Acupressure).
Many different ailments and issues are effectively dealt with through acupuncture treatments. These include, but are not limited to: stress, anxiety, migraines, cluster headaches, weight loss, digestive issues, pain and sport injuries, depression, sinus blockage, Bell’s Palsy, TMJ, carpal tunnel, and many more.
Acupuncture triggers the body to self heal...Naturally!
Dr. George is a registered Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor (T.C.M.D). With 15 years of western medicine and surgery experience (ophthalmologist). He completed his master’s degree at the Shanxi Medical University where he regularly performed surgeries. Dr. George is a very accomplished TCMD focusing on activity caused injuries, sub-health conditions, and stress management.
Dr. Amanda is a registered Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor (T.C.M.D), specializing in acupuncture and herbal medicine. The spa is located right in downtown Calgary with a great view of the Bow River and Riverwalk. The experience is like none other and the effectiveness is sure to make you a believer.
Best of all, thanks to most employers benefits, your treatment is FREE ! Most companies cover employees Acupuncture treatments, check with your human resources department for details and extent of coverage and begin taking advantage of this great health benefit.
If you are into alternative medicine you might also want to check out cupping massage
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100% Satisfaction Guarantee
As we continuously endeavor to exceed our clients expectations along with our strong belief in the quality of our services. We wish to extend to all of our clients the following industry leading Guarantee:If within the FIRST HALF HOUR of your treatment you are not happy with your treatment, simply tell your therapist, you will be free to go and you will not be charged for the service!Your half hour treatment is on us!
Monday: 7 AM – 8 PM
Tuesday: 7 AM – 8 PM
Wednesday: 7 AM – 8 PM
Thursday: 7 AM – 8 PM
Friday: 7 AM – 8 PM
Saturday: 7 AM – 8 PM
Sunday: 7 AM – 8 PM